The Financial Benefits of a Solar Roofing System

Rising energy costs are indeed a burden to you and your family. Included within this is the concern of sustainability. Thankfully, there’s a solution that covers it all.

Implementing solar roofing systems will return your investment within a couple of years. As time goes on, they’ll only continue to generate savings. 

Table of Contents

  1. The Transformative Power of Solar Roofing Systems
  2. Significant Savings on Energy Bills
  3. Selling Excess Energy Back to the Grid
  4. Increased Resale Value of the House
  5. Shortened Payback Period with Tax Incentives

The transformative power of solar roofing systems:

Say goodbye to pricey energy bills! Being self-sustainable when it comes to these previously hefty monthly payments is something to brag about. If anything, your friends will want to know how you did it.

It’s necessary, but integrating a solar roofing system with your home can significantly reduce it.

Significant Savings on Energy Bills

On average, homeowners with solar roofing systems can save up to 50% on their monthly energy bills! Residents in Chester County with solar panels saved over $100 on their electricity in June.

You can save up for something fun with this extra money back in your pocket each month. In Pennsylvania, you’ll be able to save up to $58,076 over 25 years on electric bills with a solar roofing system. 

Selling Excess Energy Back to the Grid

With the excess energy that your solar roofing system produces, you can sell it back to the grid. Instead of paying PECO, PECO will be paying you.

Investing in solar panels might be a big decision, but it is worth it in the long run with all the additional incentives given to homeowners who implement them. 

Increased Resale Value of the House

When you sell your house, the resale value will increase. For every dollar saved on your electrical bill, it can be said that your house’s value will go up by $20.

Potential buyers will see the extra value in your house. This is why those in the market for a new home are willing to pay extra for a place with solar panels.

Shortened Payback Period with Tax Incentives

Your payback period can be shortened with tax incentives. As of July 2023, on both the local and federal levels, there are many laws to make sustainability cheaper and more achievable for the entire globe. 

If you want a solar roofing system, it would be in your best interest to act fast—these incentives could be phased out.

  • Those with home solar in Pennsylvania could receive a tax credit for up to 30% of the cost of the system under the Inflation Reduction Act. Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) also compensate the homeowner for the energy produced by their system.
  • The federal government also offers a tax credit of 30% to residents with solar roofing under the Residential Clean Energy Credit. 
  • In most cases, these tax credits can stack on each other. That means you could have up to 60% of your solar panel cost taken off your taxes when tax season rolls around!

Interested? Talk to a professional.

Martini Roofing can help. We are experienced in all things roofing and solar, undoubtedly included, and are equipped to take on big projects like these. Nothing is too big or too small.

Although solar roofing systems are relatively new, we’ve been in the business long enough to learn the ins and outs of these new technologies.

We offer Timberline Solar, the world’s first nailable solar shingle. Not only will your roof look nice, but it’ll be just as protected from the elements as any other roof. These solar panels don’t sit on top of your roof but are shingles. Request an estimate with us today so we can help install your next solar roofing system.


Is a solar roof a good investment?

Yes, a solar roof can be a good investment for many homeowners. It typically increases the value of your home, reduces energy bills, and can offer long-term savings. The return on investment depends on factors like local energy costs, the amount of sunlight your location receives, and available government incentives or rebates. Solar roofs also contribute to environmental sustainability by reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

Do solar roof panels save money?

Solar roof panels can save money on electricity bills over time. The amount you save depends on various factors, including the size of your solar system, your energy usage, and the cost of electricity in your area. While there is an upfront cost for installation, solar panels significantly reduce or even eliminate electricity bills, leading to savings in the long run.

What financial benefits do owners of solar panels experience?

Owners of solar panels can experience several financial benefits:

  • Reduction in Electricity Bills: Solar panels generate free power and can significantly reduce monthly electricity bills.
  • Increased Property Value: Homes with solar panels often have a higher market value.
  • Tax Incentives and Rebates: Many regions offer tax credits, rebates, or incentives to offset the cost of solar panel installation.
  • Protection Against Rising Energy Costs: Solar panels can hedge against future increases in utility prices.

Can you make money with a solar roof?

In some cases, you can make money with a solar roof. If your solar system produces more electricity than you use, you can often sell this excess power back to the grid through a system known as net metering. Additionally, some local governments or utility companies offer incentives or credits for solar energy production. The feasibility and profitability of making money with a solar roof depend on your location’s policies and the size and efficiency of your solar system.